Friday, November 6, 2009

Renaissance Art

This painting is called La Primaveria by Sando Bottlecelli made in 1478.


  1. In this painting there are men and women who each contribute to the significance of the human kind. it displays the Renissance aspects of humanism as well individualism because the figures each of the figures have indiviual aspects that set them appart from eachother. They each express diffrent personalities and they each present the sense of individual beauty.

  2. La primavera shows humanism and individualism. Humanism is shown through the people whose bodies are slightly clovered and are expressing the fascination the Renaissance people had for the beauty of the human form. Individualism is shown in this painting through the different personalities each person is showing through there action and/or expression.

  3. La Primavera shows humanism and individualism. It also has pagen gods in it, which shows the renewal of old art. Humanism is shown through the normal people shown equal with the gods and that their bodies are slightly covered, which is an example of the fascination the Renaissance people had for the human body. It shows individualism in the faces and actions of the people that help give them personality.

  4. La Primaveria by Sando Bottlecelli shows humanism and individualism. This is showed by the different expressions of each of the figures and the beauty and perfection in each. Renissance art focused mainly on an idividual's talents and the beauty in humans. La Primaveria represents the Renissance art very well. I like this piece.
