Friday, October 30, 2009

which character from the play Julius Caesar was the most interesting to you and why? on your blog, create a posting that identifies your character and completes the following:

1. Create a clear title that identifies your character.
2. Describe your character by writing a brief character analysis. What was the character's motives (goals or dreams)? How did the character change throughout the play? What was the level of your character's morality. Include key quotes from the play that support your points.
3. Explain why this character was interesting to you.
4. Connect your character to a modern day (popular or political) personality that best exemplifies your character. Link to outside sources for support.

Mark Antony was a very clever and sly character. Mark Antony knew very well how to persuade and lead people and he used his abilities to do so often. Mark Antony's goal throughtout the play was to avenge his friend Julius Caesar by killing those who killed Caesar, Brutus and Cassius and their followers. Mark Antony also wanted to come into power with Augustus and Lepidus and become the new ruler of part of Caesar's land. At the beginning of the play Antony was looked on with pity by the townspeople during his speech at Caesar's funeral. He made himself look like an honorable man who had just lost his dear innocent friend. He repeatidly said how honorable Caesar's murderers were making him seem very gracious and he talked about how he loved Caesar which makes him seem very caring. Mark Antony says about Caesar's murderers, "I should do Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong, Who, you all know, are honourable men" and about Caesar he says, "He was my friend, faithful and just to me". Because of these two things people followed him. He is very sneaky though in the way that he gets the townspeople on his side. He angers the crowd by saying how good Caesar was and all that he did and was going to do for them. Towards the end of the play he becomes very cruel and nasty. He becomes very greedy and really all he wants is to rule Rome. Antony's morality level is low in the sense that his intentions for his actions are wrong and he goes about things in a cruel way. The face he puts on though in public makes him seem very honorable especially during his speach at Caesar's funeral. He makes the townspeople mad by saying "Good friends, sweet friends, let me not stir you up to such a sudden flood of mutiny." when really that is exactly what he wanted to do.
Mark Antony's character was so interesting to me because he was such a crutial part in defeating Brutus and Cassius and he did it in such a non conventional way. I thought that Antony was brilliant by the way that he twisted the townspeoples opinions to his side. I think that he is pretty mean and deceiving but I was impressed by his tactics and determination. Mark Antony was so important to the story because of his speach. His speach was what sparked the fight against Brutus and ultimately ended up bringing Augustus ito power who ended up being a great player in Rome's history. I liked Mark Antony so much because of the important decisions he made and the way he carried out he decisions really intrueged me.
I think that Mark Antony is similar to many politicians today. Antony could fit into the stereotypical politician today because he doesn't really concentrate on the good things he has going for him but on the negative aspects of his opponent. The speach he made during Caesar's funeral reminds me somewhat of the campaigning race between Al Franken and Norm Coleman earlier this year. Mark Antony mocked Brutus and Cassius in his speach just like Franken and Coleman did in almost all of their t.v. commercials. Franken, Coleman, and Antony all used sarcasism towards their opposition to turn their viewers against them.

1 comment:

  1. 5-2-3 Excellent posting. Your analysis of MA and the use of quotes strongly support your points. Goood Work!
